Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains answers to common questions that have
been asked about grava theory and this web site.
- Why grava theory?
- Who can participate in this discussion?
- What does grava theory mean to the average person?
- Who is Ray Cruz?
- Who is Dr. Jim Kennedy?
- Where can I find out more about popular theories of
cosmology ?
- What is the main difference between grava
theory and string theory?
- Has grava theory been presented in any
professional journals?

Grava theory provides a theoretical structure
to define the basic properties of space and energy beyond those of any
particles or waves previously identified by the scientific
community. This structure provides a basis for understanding the
beginning of the universe before space, mass or time may have existed.
Furthermore, grava theory is presented as an antithesis to the popular theory of
strings. String theory proposes extra dimensions beyond the three
spatial dimensions that we perceive. Grava theory confirms the human
observation of only three spatial dimensions, not six or eleven, as proposed
by string theory. The premise of string theory is a
pattern of mathematical models related to musical harmonics that may potentially
unify the energy of gravity with all other energy levels. Grava
theory counters that the rotation and spinning of three dimensional strings in
three dimensional space can result in the same type of mathematical models as
the theorized extra dimensions of string theory. Grava poses a 3D string
model of space as opposed to the 6-11D model in standard string theory.

Any interested individual is invited to join our discussion.
Scientists, students, casual observers and curious onlookers may all join
in. Sometimes the innocence of ignorance can prompt a question that
itself is beneficial to all, including the scientific community.

Today there are hundreds of scientists from all over the world
participating in particle physics experiments attempting to resolve the
ultimate mysteries of cosmology in search of a unified theory. Although
science has achieved a level of knowledge that supports predictions to levels
beyond any requirements for applied technologies, the predictions are based on
rules and constants, like the speed of light, that seem to have no explanation
for their origin. Why does light travel at 286,000 miles per
Einstein, like many scientists today, felt that there must be a fundamental
theory that can explain the vast disparity between the speed of light and
other constants and rules that are evident when atoms are split open in
gigantic accelerators. The ultimate theory may not improve our ability
to predict events in the universe, and may not have any immediate
technological applications. Technology today and in the foreseeable
future does not require improvements in these areas.
For the curious observer, however, like a person who wonders about the awesome
canopy of stars above, or the fascinating mysteries of the human body, the understanding of how the universe was shaped
and why the speed of light is such, is ample satisfaction in itself. For
the scientific community, in addition to curiosity and even fascination, this
is the kind of stuff upon which successful careers are based.

Ray Cruz is an observer, not a credentialed scientist. When he studied physics in college in the
1960's, most of the established theories of today were just developing.
Although he majored in Physics for one year, he ultimately graduated from Cal
State University Los Angeles with a bachelor's degree in
The study of cosmology is a hobby for Ray. Additionally, Ray is
preoccupied with developing web sites and inventing things such as a weed
removing tool known as the Weed Twister.
Ray has also worked professionally as a software engineer focusing on the
mortgage industry and credit card processing. This experience has been
applied to one of Ray's web sites know as the Merchant
Goldmine. Ray can be reached at

Dr. Jim Kennedy is an astrophysicist who most recently served as the
Associate Director for Operations of the Gemini
Project. Jim received bachelors and masters degrees from the
California State University at Fresno and his Ph.D. in Physics from the
University of Florida, doing his research in radio astronomy at Arecibo and
Florida. He can be reached at
Dr. Kennedy's name on this site does not imply that he endorses grava
theory. His involvement has been one of encouragement to Ray Cruz to
continue investigating the fascinating subject of this quest.
Ray and Jim became acquainted and began discussing various theories of
cosmology while working together at a commercial endeavor of mutual interest.

There are a number of interesting and informative web sites and printed
publications listed in the Links and References page of this web site.
In particular, the amateur observer may wish to begin by reading The
Elegant Universe by Brian Greene.

String theory proposes a model of mathematics that is described as strings
vibrating in extra-dimensional space. The exact number of dimensions
varies based on related theories, but the number tops at eleven. In
contrast, grava theory proposes that there are only three dimensions of space.
Within the standard three dimensions of space, under certain conditions
three-dimensional strings may vibrate while they twist and rotate in multiple
directions. This results in a mathematical model that resembles the
harmonics of string theory, but only requires three dimensions, not eleven.
The benefit of these mathematical models is that they may potentially
resolve the questions necessary to unify all the theories of physics, general
relativity, quantum mechanics and cosmology into one cohesive theory.

No. This web site has been created as the primary vessel for the
publication of grava theory. However, all members of the scientific
community are invited to comment on this theory or publish any references to
this theory in whatever publications they choose.
